Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's now about 3:30 on Sunday, and the second essays were due at noon. I've received essays from five of you and have graded them all. The lateness of the other ten essays disturbs me. I can speculate about why, but I need you all to tell me what I can do to make the writing process easier for you. I want you to write strong essays for these class and learn the skills that will make your writing stronger in all of your current and future courses (as well as internship, volunteer, and work settings). We'll talk more about this in class on Tuesday.

My late policy now kicks in for the ten of you who have not turned in work yet. You have until next Sunday at noon to get essays to me. You will not receive a grade penalty but you will also not receive comments. I am going to allow everyone to revise the second essays as well as the first, but you have to turn in an essay if you want to have the options to revise. You can't revise something you have not written, so I have to have received an essay from you to be eligible for revision.

Revisions of both essay one and essay two are due by noon on Wednesday, December 3 (in .doc or .rtf); I will not accept late revisions. You can send them anytime before, of course, but you only have one opportunity to revise. If you send it to me next week, you cannot revise it again after I grade that revision. But you do have the chance to revise for an entirely new grade, so take advantage of this opportunity. We can have a meeting in my office to go over your work, and you can also meet with Lauren to talk about it. You can also visit the Center for Reading and Writing. Use all of the resources available to you to write the best essay and earn the highest grade possible.

You will NOT be able to revise the third essay or the final graphic memoir. So take the opportunity to revise what you can while you have the chance.

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